Launch Point : Eclipses
We are entering a powerful Eclipse Gateway to launch many into their new paths. The eclipse window lasts from Lunar Eclipse on November 19 until Solar Eclipse on December 4. It brings increased DNA and Kundalini activations, final closure and endings, and new beginnings.
These are the last Taurus/Scorpio eclipses (Sidereal) before the nodes shift, so expect a culmination and climax to shadow and self-worth themes that have been coming up. It has been a deep journey of inner work with this nodal transit, so this last set of eclipses will be volatile and powerful. The nodes enter Aries/Libra on April 12, 2022.
We are already seeing eclipse themes presenting as New Moon on November 4 opposing Uranus brought sudden insights, powerful shifts in relationships, and deep, soul alchemy. Many are waking up in a new way through Winter Solstice, and these eclipses serve as a radical shift to prepare us for the Light Influxes that will come in 2022. Mercury is out of retrograde shadow, and most planets are direct until December. Now is the time to put away the past and move forward.
Creative Revival : Jupiter and Venus
Jupiter goes into Aquarius (S) on November 20 to jump start the eclipse window and spark new energy for innovation and projects. Jupiter finishing its journey of Capricorn is a large completion of karma, making a strong Resurrection as it goes into Aquarius. For many this is their birth into the 5D+ New Earth: work, finance, home, relationships, networks, and projects are all on the table for a reboot or major shift.
Venus and Juno are in Sagittarius (S) now, and just passed over the Galactic Center. This is powerful, fiery, creative energy for the Divine Feminine (the Feminine side of everyone.) This along with Jupiter in Aquarius will usher in a Renaissance for New Earth.
Many are going through or about to have a strong creative revival. This burst of creative and passionate energy will get our new timelines moving, but don’t waste it! While we don’t have to force our path, it does require heart-centered awareness, effort, and self-discipline. Make the most of this energy until Venus retrogrades on December 19 in early Capricorn back into Sagittarius. Learn to set small, achievable goals, and be gentle with yourself and others.
New Earth Renaissance
It’s all coming online in a big way. Get your ducks in a row, because once these shifts start they are going to be lightning speed. The difficulty for the end of 2021 into 2022 will be dealing with overwhelm after such a long period of Zero Point, inner work, and stagnation. We will see radical shifts in our world heading into 2022. Stay grounded in your own path.
After the dark comes the dawn. As many emerge from cocoons, caves, and isolation, this New energy is a Resurrection into a New Life. It is very much like a dark age into a Renaissance. The lower timelines may continue to be distracting as they fight on their way out, but All Is Well. Stay focused on what you are creating. This is a long-term transition, so don’t burn yourself out going too hard too fast. Slow and steady.
Have a blessed Eclipse!
Follow your own inner guidance.
Love, Wisdom, and Power
Karen Neverland
–November 11, 2021