Here are some crystals and stones that I have found to be helpful for healing and balance. I will be adding to this article periodically with more stones in the future.

Amethyst is an amazing crystal for everything. It balances and harmonizes all the chakras together, while also purifying dense energy in a gentle way. Aids opening the higher chakras, while also grounding to anchor into the Earth. Good for healing emotions, trauma, and insomnia.

Raw Emerald is a Powerful crystal for working with healing the soul deeply. It connects to the Akashic Records and helps Attune us to our True Frequency. Amazing for shadow work and finding the Light in the Darkness. Recommend raw forms, because they anchor into the Earth nicely.

Fluorite is gentle, but powerful crystal. It purifies and freshens the energy, while also grounding in a soft and graceful manner. It is helpful in detox, renewal, and new beginnings.

Garnet is an amazing grounding stone that also cultivates Kundalini energy. It has strong, powerful feminine energy that helps us feel safe and secure within and with Gaia. Even raw forms are extremely strengthening for the Root Chakra.

Hematite is an amazing stone with magnetic properties. I have found that it really helps with grounding, strengthening the body’s magnetic field, and preventing negative effects of geomagnetic storms.

Blue and White Howlite is a beautiful stone for warding off those who would do us harm. It resonates strongly with the blue Throat Chakra and Truth, so those who lie and deceive do not like its presence. Hoooowwwl against the villains of the night!

Selenite is a high frequency, pure, and clear crystal that will greatly lighten up the energy and help it to flow. Assists with heavy energy clearing and depression by gently raising and purifying.

Shiva Lingham are an essential stone for grounding and Yin and Yang Balancing. It increases prana energy and activates Kundalini, while also balancing the duality within us.

Tiger’s Eye is fierce and grounded. Perfect for enhancing creativity, passion, and enthusiasm. Resonates with the Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus.

Black Tourmaline is a powerful grounding stone that has an electrical charge that produces infrared rays and negative ions. They even sell black tourmaline paint for the walls! This stone is essential for everyone now, with the 5G grids causing a lot of energetic distortion.
Love, Wisdom, and Power
–September 27, 2020
Images of crystals are used for educational purposes. Please let me know if they are yours for credit or removal.