Thank you to all my subscribers and supporters!
The Global Ascension Report is now the Galactic Report, because Gaia has ascended to 5D+. I am shifting my focus to support and honor the Renaissance of New Earth.
The Great Conjunction on December 21, 2020 was a major shifting point for Gaia, and many have been at a Zero Point, clearing out the past, and preparing for the New. You can review my past articles for the Global Ascension Report to get up to date.
There is a split between the 3D and 5D Earth Primary Timelines that has been prophesied for ages by many wise teachers. We are living this Now. It is increasingly important to focus on what you are creating, and not be distracted by the lower realities playing out their karma. Stick to your mission. This report is only addressing the 5D+ Earth, though we may still perceive lower realities on the Internet and mass media for some time. Trust what is presenting in your physical reality and your own Heart Connection to Self and Source.
Galactic Level
These reports include poetic language for esoteric and spiritual concepts. A certain level of Gnosis (inner knowing) may be required to innerstand fully. These are multi-dimensional concepts and I do my best to articulate them as clear as possible. 🙏
I use both Tropical (T) and Sidereal Astrology (S) in this report. It is mostly Sidereal, unless otherwise noted. Tropical Astrology (T) is tied to the ecliptic and seasons of Earth, so connects to Gaia and planetary karma. Sidereal (S) is the placement of the stars only, and connects to the soul’s pure intention. My readings rely on intuition and insight to discern which is appropriate for a given situation.
We are beginning an exciting new chapter in our Awakening. The best is yet to come! I hope to be more regular in my blog postings, but as always, I honor the messages I am receiving and Divine Timing.
Happy Halloween! 🎃 A beautiful New Beginning as many are elevating to Higher Timelines and aligning to proper frequency. Stay focused on your Heart as we are crossing over and between worlds. Gently. Gracefully. One step at a time. All is well.
Follow your own inner guidance.
Love, Wisdom, and Power
Karen Neverland
–October 31, 2021