Awakening 3-6-9 Vortex Zero Point : 6D Embodiment : 9D Light Body

You might want to read my articles on 6D, 8D and 9D, 9D Zero Point, 9th Chakra Dreamwell, and Light Body Basics before this article. Complete article listing here.

Many of the Global Community are activating new 6D Embodiment, which includes a whole new way of manifesting and functioning in the 3D Matrix using Zero Point (9D). Though it is difficult to understand this before you have awakened the multidimensional awareness, I will do my best to explain.

The Tri-Harmonic Gates are Attuning us to 6D, so we embody the 3-6-9 Harmonics in our Torus Field and Light Body. 6D is a whole new dimensional understanding. The Indigos are born with this dimensional layer already in their light bodies, so they are bringing this Trinity Gate just by being here, though few understand what they are really experiencing until they ground and integrate it. The Masters in Body are activating this layer in their current Embodiment of Ascension.

When we look at Vortex Math we can understand how the numbers 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, and 5 form a circuit like an infinity figure 8, and this is the 8D Torus Field. When we have activated 6D (3rd+6th chakras=9), we now form the 3-6-9 formation, adding a whole new dimensional layer for the 9D Light Body.

When you look at the vortex below, you can see how there are two separate groupings of numbers. I encourage you to research Vortex Math on your own, since it is a large topic and more than I can explain here, though it will greatly help you understand the 6D dynamics and its connection with Zero Point (9D) and the Torus Field (8D).

The Light Body is a Merkaba or two interlocking triangles. In 6D, there is a new dimensional layer overlaying for this Tri-Harmonic Convergence. The closest visual match to this new light body is the Solfeggio three interlocking triangles, the third being 3-6-9 and greater attuning us to Zero Point/Vortex.

We have been through the Age of Isis and the Age of Osiris. Now we are entering the Age of Horus–The Divine Child. This is a new paradigm which includes the Trinity of Mother-Father-Child or 3-6-9, and much will be shifting to initiate us into deeper understanding of the New over 2020 and beyond.

There is also a strong connection with awakening 6D and tuning into the Ley Line Grids of the planet. When we are aware of the Zero Point within ourselves, we can tune into the Zero Point of Gaia as well, which connects us to her Ley Lines/Dragon Lines. It is no coincidence that the lines run every 30-60-90 degrees.

As we atTUNE our frequency to the Harmonics of 6D, we are able to greater feel, sense, and work with frequencies of energy in ourselves, others, and the Ley Line Grids of Mother Earth.

2019 was a powerful year for clearing and activating our 3-6-9 Harmonics, which is why so many were purging old energy to a great degree, which required a lot of inner work and stillness. In 2020, we are Resurrecting and accelerating forward in this Grand Journey. We’re all in this together.

The Birth of the Sun
A New Day of Earth has Come
On our way back Home.

Blessings on your Divine Journey and Resurrection in 2020. Love, Wisdom, and Power.
–January 5, 2020

Images used for education purposes. If they are yours, please let me know for credit.

6D: Indigos and Third Eye Opening

6D: Indigos and Third Eye OpeningIndigo refers to both a soul group and to babies born with their Third Eye already activated. Indigos are known for increased psychic ability, greater awareness, extra senses, understanding symbols intuitively, and receiving Knowing/Gnosis of the sacred mysteries. A Peacock’s rainbow eyes symbolize the Third Eye Chakra, perceiving all dimensions of existence & awareness.

One of the Indigos main missions here is to bridge the realms of Heaven and Earth. They have hyper awareness of the Astral Plane and are “Bridging” it into union with the physical plane.

The Indigos have been almost non-functional this year, as they have been preparing the 6D timelines for the waves that are currently ascending there. All their excess energy has been going into the mission, though they might not be consciously aware of it. Lack of creativity, feeling lost, and extreme fatigue are likely symptoms.

With the most recent wave of souls who have ascended to 6D, many of the Indigos will be stepping out from behind the scenes and into a visible role in 2018.

Opening the Third Eye and Pineal Gland

In 6D, our Third Eye Chakra “turns on” or activates. This begins a gradual opening of greater awareness to the hundreds of “sixth senses”. The language of symbols opens up and a large veil drops off.

Opening new awareness is tricky, because we can’t know what we have never experienced. We don’t know what to look for. It is a slow process. It can also be scary and cause a frenzy feeling, since our human mind is struggling to understand the new sensations and awarenesses that it has no paradigm to explain.

The Third Eye turns on when the previous five chakras are in balance and open. Like a tree, our roots must be strong if we want our branches to grow tall. The Kundalini crawls up the chakras from the Root to the Crown. The Third Eye Chakra is like antennas that stretch out and feel higher dimensions.

True Sight

The Human Eye picks up light in the colors of Red, Green, and Blue. This is interpreted by the brain to create a compiled image we call Vision. Once the Third Eye opens, we gain another eye that picks up more than just RGB. It senses feelings, emotions, visions, auras, dreams, and hundreds of more senses besides just color and light.

Being able to see outside the 7 color spectrum of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet is not so unusual. Many animals have vision different than our own:

  • Dragonflies see 33 types of light, while we see 3.
  • Snakes see in Infrared, combining heat and smell into an image.
  • Bees sense the electric fields of flowers and see ultraviolet light spectrum.

Since the brain is actually what determines our Vision (compiling the information gained from the eyes), adding this third eye brings actual, tangible changes to Sight. We also gain powerful Inner Vision.

Healing the Third Eye

The Third Eye is ruled by the Pineal Gland in the brain. This gland is often calcified from toxins. Here is a recipe I used to decalcify the pineal gland:

Combine 1 tsp Turmeric + 1 cup warm/hot milk. (Nut milks work great!) Drink once per day.

When we awaken the Third Eye Chakra, there can also be ascension symptoms with the physical eyes. The whole system is moving from two eyes to three eyes, so everything is affected. The eyes often get irritated during this phase, since they are physically embodying these new changes and clearing out old cells. Here is a simple recipe I used to clear the eyes:

1 part apple cider vinegar + 8 parts distilled water. Put a drop in each eye every 4 hours until it clears.

It might burn if there are any infections or irritations in the eyes. You can always add more water to soften this. (Only distilled water!) I have healed full on bacterial eye infections in a couple days with this.

I am not a doctor. Please use your own judgment and consult a physician if necessary before using either of these recipes.


May you always see with Clear Vision.
Love, Wisdom, Power
–November 22, 2017

Featured Photo by: Myloismylife on Wikimedia Commons

Physical to Light Body to Crystal : The Body’s Ascension from 3D to 8D

light bodyEvolving our 3D physical matter bodies is quite a process and we go through many phases in this Ascension. I hope to bring some clarity to the terms we are using and what is actually occurring in the body.

Please Note: This is an inter-dimensional process. We use words the best we can, but you must understand the deeper levels of what is being said here. I list all of this in a linear way, but it is all occurring simultaneously. We ebb and flow between dimensions as we grow and master each phase. Also, you have Free Will and do not have to go about your Ascension in this way. This is a road map.

3D to 4D: Aligning the Light Body

The first step in 3D Ascension is to align and develop our Light Body. The Egyptians called the Light Body our “Ka” or “Light Body Double.” The Light Body includes energetic aspects, chakras, aura, meridians, and light organs. The Light Body mirrors our Physical Body in almost every way, except there is no 3D physical aspect. It is energy or light that mimics the 3D body.

When we are in 3D, our goal is to heal our chakras, cleanse our bodies, and live as healthy as possible. When we are self-destructive, eat unhealthy, lack exercise, or live a spiritually void existence, it throws our Light Body out of alignment, or prevents it from developing properly. This can lead to many problems. When the Light Body is strong, whole, and in alignment with our Physical Body, we move into 4D.

My book assists in the process of 3D to 4D and on. Learning to fully love my Self is the way that I healed and aligned the Ka. This book is a guide through the internal process.

4D to 5D: Union of Light Body and Physical Body

In 4D, we Unify our Opposites and become One. This includes the Light Body and the Physical Body. These two aspects of ourselves merge together in an internal Alchemical Union.

When the Light Body is developed and in full alignment, we begin a slow die off of our physical matter body. This is the Death and Rebirth phase. When the Light Body is fully formed, we no longer need the physical form. In fact, the physical form becomes a burden to us.

There is quite a lot involved in this process. I have discussed 4D in previous articles [Kundalini and Ascension Stages]. Most of it I cannot say generally, because it is so specific to the alchemical union.

5D to 7D: Light Body

Once we pass the 50% mark, where most of our form has become Light Body and the Physical Body has mostly passed, we are considered to be in 5D. In this phase, the Light Body is in form and activated.

From 5D to 7D, we are mastering our Light Body and letting go of the remaining Physical Body. The Light Body is a physical body, but it is much less dense than the 3D body was. Many people lose a great deal of weight during this phase (even if they do not necessarily change waist size), as well as work through dis-eases in the body.

We become Masters by the time we reach 7D, with a Perfect Light Body and no remaining 3D body.

Alex Grey

This artwork is by Alex Grey. You can find more of his work here. I am in no way affiliated with Alex Grey, other than pure inspiration.

8D: Crystal Body

When we have our full Light Body activated and have moved through 7D into Union with Source, then the Kundalini reverses from the top of the Crown and returns to the Heart Chakra.

The Crystal (Krystal, Christ-el) Body is the next phase after we have our Light Body or Ka Body. When the Kundalini reaches the Heart Chakra, it begins a golden process of turning the entire body to Crystal.

The energy of the Light Body is put under a great deal of pressure and stress. All of our weaknesses are prodded, all our temptations are tempted, and we are truly put to the test. Do not mistake this for the Shadow Mastery that occurs in 4D, which is also an intense testing period of initiation before 5D.

This whole process of extreme pressure catalyzes our transition to the Crystal Body. One cell at a time, our Light Body is refined and mastered. It is called Crystal because the Light Body is in perfect alignment like the structure of a crystal.

crystal structure

Image source unknown.

Beyond 8D

In 8D, we become truly inter-dimensional beings. Many “super powers” come at this point because we have cast off our chrysalis and become a Butterfly.

The rest of Ascension after 8D takes place in the Heart, with additional chakras opening there. Some perceive these chakras above the head, because they have not physically embodied them. They are perceiving the chakra of their Higher Self and see it as external. The goal is to bring all the chakras into our embodiment here on Gaia. Each additional chakra opens around the heart, forming a lattice within and bringing more and more special abilities and mastery, forever and ever.

Many blessings on your Divine Ascension. As always, take what resonates and leave the rest.
Love, Wisdom, Power
–July 28, 2017