Light Influx 2022 : In Like A Lion
There is a major Light Influx for the 2/12/22 to 2/22/22 Gateway. We have not seen energy like this in many years. This Light is to create our physical timelines for the New Earth. All planets are direct until end of April (when Pluto goes Retrograde), so now is the time to move forward in all areas of our lives.
If we make the most of this energy, by Spring Equinox, our tangible worlds will be transformed. As the saying goes, March is “Coming in like a Lion,” but it will not go out like a Lamb. Expect this Light Influx to last the next couple months to accelerate growth and progression in major ways.
After such long periods of stagnation, overwhelm is likely, so take it slow and focus on the path in front of you. It may not look the way you expect, so pay attention to what is actually coming in to your life in this Now.
Venus Conjunct Mars : Divine Alchemy
Venus and Mars are already moving into a conjunction that will last for over a month. Their conjunction in Sagittarius (Sidereal) will be exact during the Full Moon, and together they both enter Capricorn on February 26. The two personal planets will stay closely conjoined all the way until around March 15, when Venus begins to pull ahead.
This conjunction is something unusual in astrology, since these two planets travel at different speeds. However, due to the recent retrograde of Venus slowing her pace, they happen to be together for an extended amount of time. This will bring both beautiful and challenging situations in our lives.
With Venus representing the Divine Feminine conjunct Mars representing the Divine Masculine, we will see intense balancing and conflict between our Yin & Yang or Masculine & Feminine polarities (within and without). This is alchemy of the polarities that make up the whole framework of Duality on Gaia at a cellular level. Expect major upheaval and transformations in areas that are out of balance. It often gets worse before it get better, and this is definitely the way with this conjunction.
Mars and Venus together is also exciting news for couples, Divine Unions, and Sacred Partnerships of all kinds. There will be downloads of new codes and energy to aid coming together and aligning to greater degree in the physical. There is some Divine Magic in this conjunction that will truly be a blessing for those who are on this path.
Leo Full Moon in Grand Cross
The Full Moon on February 16 is in Leo with Sun in Aquarius. It forms a Grand Cross with the North and South Node in Taurus and Scorpio. A Grand Cross is a giant “X” in the sky that is a catalyst for metamorphosis and transition. It collapses old paradigms, and ushers in new paths. With this Full Moon in a Grand Cross to the Nodes of Fate, these are critical life changes and epiphanies that will result in transformation.
Leo and Aquarius axis is all about sparking creativity and innovation, new ideas and new directions. Don’t try to go back to the past. This is launching us into new purpose and creative Destiny.
This Grand Cross begins a chapter of building more in the material world, not just online and virtually. We are seeing a resurrection of Community and what that word even means.
While it is important to find our tribe of like-minded people to learn and grow, building actual physical communities requires that we connect with people of varied interests and walks of life. We can’t all do the same thing and expect a community to thrive. It requires learning to accept and respect people who may not always think the same. This will require cooperation, compromise, patience, and perseverance in a whole new level of Mastery.
Blessed New Beginnings to you and yours!
Follow your own inner guidance.
Love, Wisdom, and Power
Karen Neverland
–February 12, 2022
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