2020 Awakening
2020 is a powerful year of transitions. We have both Venus and Mars Retrogrades this year, three conjunctions of Jupiter and Pluto due to Retrogrades, and a Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter. We are not even into the most intense part of this year astrologically, so be patient as everything is aligning in Divine Timing.
The retrogrades of Venus and Mars this year serve to evolve the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine archetypes to prepare for a new trajectory. We already had the Venus retrograde in May-June, which was significant as it was in the same degrees as the Venus retrograde of 2012 (due to the 8 year cycle of Venus). We also had an eclipse at nearly the same degree as 2012, so a lot of repeating themes from that time.
We are currently in the Mars retrograde pre-shadow, and it is due to Retrograde on 9/9-11/13. This will bring a powerful awakening for the Divine Masculine energy on the planet. Remember that when we say “Divine Masculine” it is not referring to “men”, but to the masculine side that is in every one of us.
Great Conjunction

The Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter occurs every 20 years, returning to the vicinity of the first every 60 years. It always brings key timeline shifts and massive awakening on the world stage. It is believed by some that the Star of Bethlehem was a Great Conjunction.
Years of the most recent Great Conjunctions:
Due to the amazing regularity of the Great Conjunction, it returns to the same approximate degree every 60 years. The Dec 21, 2020 conjunction will occur only 5° from the Great Conjunction of Feb 18, 1961! Expect repeating themes from then, and closing out of timelines that began.
Notable Events from 1961:
Princess Diana born
JFK inaugurated as president
Berlin Wall begins construction
First Man in space
U.S. Peace Corp. established
Nelson Mandela acquitted of treason
Pluto Conjunctions
We started 2020 with a January 12 conjunction of Saturn and Pluto. This was a long forecasted event by many astrologers and initiated a critical shift in our timeline trajectory for this entire year. We have experienced this with the global pandemic shutting down much of what we considered to be stable and permanent, amongst many other powerful shifts that serve to shake us awake. It is a Call to Awaken and Transition.
Not only did we have a Pluto and Saturn conjunction, we also have Jupiter Pluto conjunctions this year! Jupiter and Pluto conjunct three times in 2020, due to retrogrades. We have already passed the first two, but expect a big conclusion in November of these energies for the final conjunction.
4/4: Jupiter and Pluto traveling Direct
6/29: Jupiter and Pluto both Retrograding
11/12: Jupiter and Pluto traveling Direct
With Jupiter expanding the dark fears and desires of Pluto, it shines a light on what is hidden, unknown, unseen, and unconscious. These fears have always been there, but this year we have a chance to look at them, process, and heal our shadows to transform the structure of our world.
I hope that this article helps calm the fears and emotional energy that is stirring in our collective consciousness. These are powerful conjunctions to initiate us into the New Age, and that means we are called upon to step into our Power and actualize our Soul’s Calling. All is serving to align us to higher timelines, but the process of transition is always messy. Trust that there is a Divine Plan in your life, and all is truly well. Listen to your heart and tune out the chatter, and you will always be where you need to be.
Blessings to You in this Powerful Time.
Karen Neverland
–August 14, 2020