Chakra System and Light Body Basics

The Light Body is an exact match to the physical body, except it is made of Light. This includes meridians, chakras, light organs, and auric field. This article gives a general overview of each of the seven basic chakras and how to help them flow, which will allow the Kundalini to rise up the spinal column.

Chakra means “wheel” and you can visualize them like water wheels. When they are functioning properly, they allow energy to flow throughout the body and energize us. Water that is stagnant goes rank and putrid. This is the same in the light body. Lack of energy flow can cause dis-ease and then illness if not addressed.

We want the chakras to flow, allowing the waterfall of energy to move throughout our whole energy body and revitalize. This will stimulate the body to evolve and heal at an accelerated pace.

It is important to always work the chakras from the Root upward. Just like a tree, we need strong roots if we want our branches to grow tall.

This list provides a generalized explanation of each chakra. Everyone is a little different, so follow your own intuition. I also offer Light Body Assessments if you would like information specific to your journey, where you are, and what to work on.


Root Chakra

The Root Chakra is exactly like the roots of a tree. When it is strong, we feel safe and secure and well-adapted to life on Gaia. It gives a sense of being grounded and down-to-earth when it is balanced. Like the Crown Chakra, we pull in Light through our Root Chakra and feel a deep communion with the planet we live on. The Root is related to our sense of security, the color Red, and the Earth element.

Root Chakra work includes connecting to ancestors and past lives, clearing family karma, healing security and insecurity, connecting to “home”, grounding, attachments, anxiety, or feeling lost, confused, or disoriented.

Nature is the strongest healer for the Root Chakra. Lay on the earth, take a salt water bath, walk barefoot. Be in the moment. Be still. Remember that you are on a planet and that She sustains us here. Build a relationship with your Mother Earth.

Visualization/Meditation: If you meditate in the same place every day, it strengthens the Root Chakra. Healthy roots mean tall braches. This expands consciousness. Visualize roots growing from the bottom of your feet and wrapping around the crystalline core of Gaia.

Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra is the second chakra. It’s related the color orange, water element, emotions, masculine/feminine duality, detox, elimination, kidneys, and sexual organs. The Sacral Chakra also rules the Emotional Body and the lower emotions like sadness, anger, and sexual desires.

There is a strong connection between the Sacral and Throat Chakras, since they both are Creation Centers in the body. Often when one is out of alignment, it will affect the other one.

Sacral Chakra work includes healing emotional and relationship trauma, balancing yin and yang (masculine and feminine) channels in the body, and finding balance.

Drinking water, tea, and juice (especially orange juice!) are the best healing for the Sacral Chakra. Also Epsom Salt baths can help with detox and elimination, which will also help this chakra.

Visualization/Meditation: Visualize a yin yang in your Sacral Chakra flowing in a harmonious circle. This will help harmonize the masculine and feminine channels in the body. You can also use the Alternate Nostril Breathing exercise to further unify these channels.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus is the third chakra in the body and it is the body’s energy battery. This is our connection to the Sun (the solar plexus).

When this chakra is in alignment, we have energy and will power to work toward our goals and ambitions. We also have self-esteem and confidence in our chosen path. It is related to the Fire element, the color yellow, the stomach, and personal will. Ginger and kombucha are both amazing for this chakra to help stimulate the digestive fires.

Many find that they are naturally guided to fast or eat lighter when this chakra is going through ascension. Learn to trust your body’s natural cravings and feed it what it needs to help keep this chakra in balance.

The Solar Plexus and 3D have undergone a complete alignment and rewrite since the August 2017 Solar Eclipse. The yellow Solar Plexus has been rewritten to a Beautiful Golden Sun. The chakra itself has ascended to a Higher State and some fundamental rules of our reality were shifted. We can no longer use our personal will to manipulate or control and this is leading to major shifting in our world stage.

Visualization/Meditation: Feel the Sun and visualize it in your Core. Breathe in the golden light and feel it stored in your Solar Plexus for when you need it. The Power of the Sun lives in You.

Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra is the fourth chakra and the largest, central chakra in the body. It is associated with green and the Air element. It rules the Heart and Lungs, as well as the higher emotions of Love, Compassion, and Empathy.

A balanced Heart Chakra is open to loving others without fear or restriction. It can easily empathize with others, without being overwhelmed by their emotions and energy. Many empaths struggle with an over-active Heart Chakra, compensating for an under-active Solar Plexus. This causes them to feel the energies of others stronger than their own and is very overwhelming.

During Ascension, the Heart opens up in a greater way. Petals of the Heart open like a Lotus Flower. Some petals are beautiful, some painful, some haggard and worn. Embrace them all and Breathe. Release grudges, resentment, regret, remorse, past trauma, and judgment to help it open. Chest pain and breathing constriction are common during ascension, as it accelerates this opening and we process years of pain in a short time. Be patient, Love and encourage yourself. Most importantly, forgive yourself and others to release energy that gets stuck in the Heart Chakra. My book offers some guidance for the healing process.

During ascension, we learn to tune into our hearts and trust ourselves. The goal is to have a clear and open heart that is always feeling. Emotional healing is necessary, because all Inner Knowing comes in through a Pure Heart. Discard any teaching that pulls you out of your heart center. No matter who says it. Follow your heart.

Visualization/Meditation: Breathe deeply into the Heart Center and hold your breath on the inhale. Visualize Emerald Fire burning in your chest and regenerating and renewing all the tissues and energies. Release on the exhale.

Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra is the fifth chakra and associated with sky blue and the Aether element. It rules our sense of authenticity and personal truth. When it is healthy, we are able to speak our truth and embody it without fear of judgment.

Core wounds of feeling separate from Source and our fellow Humans are often stored in the Throat Chakra–feeling disconnected and unheard. When this chakra is functioning in harmony, we have no problem stepping into the spotlight and being seen as our true self. Peppermint essential oil and tea are powerful for this chakra to lighten and enliven the energy.

Visualization/Meditation: The Lion’s Breath is an amazing technique for this chakra. Any breath work will help open this chakra more. You can also visualize a blue sky with all the clouds dissipating in the brilliant and beautiful sunlight.

Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye is the sixth chakra. It is indigo in color and rules our sixth senses (there are many), psychic channels, and higher awarenesses. It rules the dream state and the Imagination. When this chakra is open, we can easily moderate between the different dimensions and have an expanded awareness of reality.

Many teachings focus on the Third Eye, but this is actually quite damaging if the Root Chakra is not strong. Always focus on healing the chakras from the bottom up, since they feed into each other from the Root. This chakra opens naturally when the lower five chakras are in alignment.

Many experience calcification of the pineal gland, which can affect the natural opening of this chakra. This can be easily remedied with regular turmeric intake. Use your best judgment on what is right for you. There is a recipe for Turmeric Milk here.

Visualization/Meditation: Any visualization can help the Third Eye Chakra to open more, as well as anything that engages the Imagination such as reading or writing.

Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra is our seventh and final personal chakra in the body. It is ruled by the color violet (and also white). When this chakra is healthy, we easily connect with and trust in Source. We have a higher perspective on life and are able to see the Big Picture in balance with our day-to-day routines.

This chakra greatly deals in forgiveness and surrender. A healthy Crown is able to understand and hold space for others without selfish intent or judgment. It also allows us to hear and connect with our Higher Self.

Frankincense is an amazing high frequency oil/incense that assists with Crown Chakra opening. Many high frequency people who struggle with grounding will find great healing from this.

Visualization/Meditation: Visualize a Waterfall of Light opening above you and allow it to pour into your body through a Lotus Flower on your Crown. This will help you take in Light from the Higher Realms and be open to receive.


There are additional, transpersonal chakras that open in the Light Body for a variety of reasons, but they will not start opening until the base seven are flowing in harmony. Click to learn more about 8D, 9D, and Crystalline.

So much Love, Wisdom, and Power to you on your Divine Journey!
–June 1, 2018

Images used for educational purpose. Please let me know if they belong to you for credit or removal.

6D: Indigos and Third Eye Opening

6D: Indigos and Third Eye OpeningIndigo refers to both a soul group and to babies born with their Third Eye already activated. Indigos are known for increased psychic ability, greater awareness, extra senses, understanding symbols intuitively, and receiving Knowing/Gnosis of the sacred mysteries. A Peacock’s rainbow eyes symbolize the Third Eye Chakra, perceiving all dimensions of existence & awareness.

One of the Indigos main missions here is to bridge the realms of Heaven and Earth. They have hyper awareness of the Astral Plane and are “Bridging” it into union with the physical plane.

The Indigos have been almost non-functional this year, as they have been preparing the 6D timelines for the waves that are currently ascending there. All their excess energy has been going into the mission, though they might not be consciously aware of it. Lack of creativity, feeling lost, and extreme fatigue are likely symptoms.

With the most recent wave of souls who have ascended to 6D, many of the Indigos will be stepping out from behind the scenes and into a visible role in 2018.

Opening the Third Eye and Pineal Gland

In 6D, our Third Eye Chakra “turns on” or activates. This begins a gradual opening of greater awareness to the hundreds of “sixth senses”. The language of symbols opens up and a large veil drops off.

Opening new awareness is tricky, because we can’t know what we have never experienced. We don’t know what to look for. It is a slow process. It can also be scary and cause a frenzy feeling, since our human mind is struggling to understand the new sensations and awarenesses that it has no paradigm to explain.

The Third Eye turns on when the previous five chakras are in balance and open. Like a tree, our roots must be strong if we want our branches to grow tall. The Kundalini crawls up the chakras from the Root to the Crown. The Third Eye Chakra is like antennas that stretch out and feel higher dimensions.

True Sight

The Human Eye picks up light in the colors of Red, Green, and Blue. This is interpreted by the brain to create a compiled image we call Vision. Once the Third Eye opens, we gain another eye that picks up more than just RGB. It senses feelings, emotions, visions, auras, dreams, and hundreds of more senses besides just color and light.

Being able to see outside the 7 color spectrum of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet is not so unusual. Many animals have vision different than our own:

  • Dragonflies see 33 types of light, while we see 3.
  • Snakes see in Infrared, combining heat and smell into an image.
  • Bees sense the electric fields of flowers and see ultraviolet light spectrum.

Since the brain is actually what determines our Vision (compiling the information gained from the eyes), adding this third eye brings actual, tangible changes to Sight. We also gain powerful Inner Vision.

Healing the Third Eye

The Third Eye is ruled by the Pineal Gland in the brain. This gland is often calcified from toxins. Here is a recipe I used to decalcify the pineal gland:

Combine 1 tsp Turmeric + 1 cup warm/hot milk. (Nut milks work great!) Drink once per day.

When we awaken the Third Eye Chakra, there can also be ascension symptoms with the physical eyes. The whole system is moving from two eyes to three eyes, so everything is affected. The eyes often get irritated during this phase, since they are physically embodying these new changes and clearing out old cells. Here is a simple recipe I used to clear the eyes:

1 part apple cider vinegar + 8 parts distilled water. Put a drop in each eye every 4 hours until it clears.

It might burn if there are any infections or irritations in the eyes. You can always add more water to soften this. (Only distilled water!) I have healed full on bacterial eye infections in a couple days with this.

I am not a doctor. Please use your own judgment and consult a physician if necessary before using either of these recipes.


May you always see with Clear Vision.
Love, Wisdom, Power
–November 22, 2017

Featured Photo by: Myloismylife on Wikimedia Commons